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Interview jargon

  • Publish Date: Posted over 13 years ago
  • Author: Emma Dadswell

There’s always going to be certain phrases heard in the office that when used, make your skin crawl. Yet, we all seem to find ourselves participating in  this so called ‘management speak’ from time to time. With this in mind, we want to compile a list of the worst you’ve heard or said in an interview. We’d be grateful if you could take a few minutes to comment below with your examples.

And to get you started, here are a few examples from the team here:

  • ‘Let’s touch base next week'
  • ‘I think we need to reinvent the wheel’
  • ‘Going forward we need to xyz’
  • 'Pushing the envelope'
  • ‘It’s a no brainer’
  • 'I'll ping you an email'
  • 'Work your way up the ladder'