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The top five job seeking tips – from songs

  • Publish Date: Posted about 13 years ago
  • Author: Emma Dadswell

Last week we rummaged through our movie collection and came up with five interview tips from films. Here at Handle Recruitment we also work with some major music labels – and music is a great teacher. So we thought we’d share some songs with some valuable job hunting lessons. Enjoy! 

Have confidence – We are the Champions by Queen 

Job hunting can be an emotionally draining process. And it can be easy to lose your motivation, particularly after a few rejections. However, confidence is the key to impressing prospective employers. If you face an interview feeling defeated, failure will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Approach an interview feeling like you deserve the job, in other words, that you’re a champion, and your confidence will shine through. 

Know your limits – I’d do Anything for Love (but I won’t do that) by Meatloaf 

It’s easy to fall into the trap, especially when you’ve been on the market for a while, of taking anything you’re offered. But it’s important not to jump at the first opportunity you get as a short-term solution. Remember that you’ll have to do this job for the foreseeable future. Are you really happy to take on the role? Are you comfortable with the responsibilities, hours or culture? It’s better to wait for something you’re really suited to than have to look again in a few months. 

If at first you don’t succeed, try again – Life Goes On by The Beatles 

It’s a competitive market, particularly within the fashion, film and music industries. So despite being qualified for and really enthusiastic about a role, you might just be up against someone with that bit more experience than you. It can be crushing when you don’t get the job you want, but if you pick yourself up and dust yourself off, the next opportunity could be right around the corner. 

Everyone has to start somewhere – Loser Like Me by the Glee cast 

Not being where you want to be in your career can be incredibly frustrating. But it takes time to climb that ladder. So even if you’re not exactly at the level you’d like to be, keep that determination alive. As the Glee cast puts it: “Everyone you wanna be probably started off like me.” 

Don’t underestimate yourself – Reach by S Club 7 

So many candidates bypass roles they could be perfect for because they don’t fit 100% of the criteria. While it goes without saying that you shouldn’t punch too far above your weight, remember that a job spec is partly a wish list. If there are elements of a role that you aren’t 100% versed in, but think you could be, why not go for it? Even if you don’t get that specific job, there may be other opportunities within the company that you’re ideal for. So aim high and achieve top results!