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Handle’s HR Mentoring Scheme: What's in it for you?

  • Publish Date: Posted about 8 years ago

 The UK’s first HR mentoring scheme specifically for the media, entertainment and retail sectors.  As the 2016 programme kicks off, we thought we would let our readers know how the initiative has worked, and what HR professionals in our sector can do to get involved.

To date, the scheme has included participants from Sony, 20th Century Fox, Trip Advisor, BBC Worldwide, ASOS, Cath Kidston and Turner Broadcasting.  It involves industry professionals offering each other developmental guidance in order to make a real difference to the progression of HR talent within the industry.

The team here at Handle manages all aspects of the scheme, including sourcing and screening participants, providing guidance and training for all parties, facilitating mentoring events and providing the all-important matching service. So if you’re interested in being a future mentee or offering your expertise as a mentor be sure to get in touch

Sarah Foll is Learning & Development Director at Sony Pictures Entertainment and here’s what she has to say:

 “I heard of the scheme through a colleague – my functional boss is US based and so being able to have someone outside the company who I could talk to not just about current projects – but also my career development – was really attractive.  Getting the perspective of someone else within the same industry, but external to Sony, to bounce ideas off is really useful.”

And Louisa Fryer is Learning & Development Partner at ASOS, who says of her experience:

 “I found out about the scheme through a colleague as ASOS and thought it was a great way of learning from an experienced and senior HR professional outside my own company who would be able to share a different perspective.  I’ve been able to access work related advice and support from someone who is more experienced but who can also relate to my professional journey so far. It’s great for people who are experiencing new opportunities and challenges in their role and who need extra support during that ‘stretch’ phase.“