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Brexit - not necessarily an exit from your job search

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 8 years ago

A recent news article by the BBC states that a new survey suggests that Brexit has hit the recruitment industry hard in July.

The Report produced monthly by IHS Markit, collects data from 400 UK recruitment and employment firms, and suggests permanent placements in July fell at the sharpest rate since May 2009, with participants naming uncertainty caused by Brexit as the key reason. Findings also indicated that some clients of recruitment firms had shifted towards using short-term staff.

At Handle we haven’t found this to be the case.  Our clients are still actively recruiting.  In fact the number of live vacancies handled in July 2016 exceeded the number for the same period in 2015 by 4.7% and the ratio of temp to perm roles has remained constant at 50/50.

So it’s not at all doom and gloom for the entertainment and creative industry sectors.  So it’s time for you to turn Brexit uncertainty into job success.

Here are our top tips:

Be prepared and proactive

The job market usually slows down over the summer so use this time to prepare! Ensure that your CV is really strong and update your LinkedIn profile - get colleagues to write recommendations and endorse your skills.   What can you bring to a company? Ensure you have researched thoroughly and have an opinion on the Brexit question.  Be proactive - Are there any new skills you may need to develop to be able to deal with future challenges? Have a look at training programmes and courses you can undertake.

Reach out to recruiters

Developing strong relationships with reputable recruiters is a worthy investment of your time. Specialist agencies like Handle offer a personalised service. We take the time to meet each candidate and to recognise the skills and competencies which will drive a brand forward – we match exactly the right person with exactly the right role for them. This gives you the opportunity to discuss what you have to offer and what you want to get from your next role. Choose your recruitment consultant carefully, they are representing brand - YOU!


Networking is an effective way to hear about potential vacancies, ensure your contacts are aware that you are looking for a new role and where your area of expertise lies.  It is also a great opportunity to scope out what employers will be looking for post-Brexit. Be clear about your message and how you can add value. You can check out current Handle’s events here.

Looking for a job? Browse handle jobs or register with handle for the latest job vacancies.