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How to find your perfect job on social media in 4 steps

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 8 years ago

So, you keep hearing that searching for jobs via social media is the way forward, but is it really?  Do recruiters actually look for candidates via social media? A recent study by JobVite, states 73 percent of recruiters have hired a candidate through social media, and 93 percent of hiring managers will review a candidate's social profile before making a hiring decision. Therefore, making sure your social media presence screams hire me is essential for your job search.

Still not convinced? This infographic, by careerglider, visualises the future of social recruiting, and looks at how recruiters are utilising social networks.

The 4 key reasons to use social media in your job search

  1. You can apply for advertised roles easily and quickly.
  2. Build your network and engage with wider audiences across many social channels.
  3. Higher visibility to recruiters who are using social media to advertise their jobs and source candidates (this means you).
  4. Direct contact with recruiters, head-hunters and prospective employers throughout your job search by engaging with them across all channels in real time.


Businesses use Twitter to promote their services, expertise and draw people in so they visit their website.

Here are our 4 steps to using Twitter in your job search,

  1. Be professional -  Twitter is an informal medium, however, you must represent yourself in an attractive and professional light if you are trying to attract the attention of recruiters and others in your field.
  2. Follow, follow, follow - Follow companies that are of interest to you, get to know the brand and how it ticks.
  3. Engage - In topics with the brands and organisations you’re interested in and retweet. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation, it will show that you’re interested and could be the ice breaker that you’re looking for. Many organisation, including Handle, advertise jobs via twitter

  4. Your Twitter profile - should include a professional photo but don’t be afraid for it to reflect who you are, a bio that highlights your personality and a link to your CV, LinkedIn profile or website. Twitter is much more informal than LinkedIn or CVs, but you should not underplay your skills and expertise.


If you’re only going to use one social network to aid your job search, make it LinkedIn headhunters and recruiters actively use LinkedIn to search for candidates for particular jobs and then approach them directly.

Here are our 4 steps when using LinkedIn in your job search,

  1. Keep your profile up to date, apply and connect - Your LinkedIn profile is your online CV. Make sure that its current and reflects your expertise. Use the apply with your linked in profile button to apply for jobs, this sends your LinkedIn profile directly to the induvial that is hiring for the role that you are interested in.
  2. Get Endorsed - Having another individual write a positive endorsement about you, will be viewed as a sign of reliability and authenticity.
  3. Add your skills - Ensure that the skills you highlight match those that are required for the roles you are searching for.
  4. Follow companies - You can follow companies that are of interest and keep up to date with what’s going on, you will also be able to see when and what roles they are hiring for.


Despite it being an informal platform and mainly used by individuals for connecting with friends and family, it is used by businesses for more commercial reasons. Some organisations are also using it to recruit and vet potential candidates.

Here are our 4 steps when using Facebook in your job search,

  1. Check your privacy setting - The borders between the personal and the professional can be blurred, be aware of what information about you can be accessed and by whom.
  2. Like company pages - This enables you to see updates from companies in your news feedRecruiters including Handle advertise available roles via Facebook with details on how to apply.  
  3. Spec out the companies - Use Facebook to get a better picture of the organisation and find out more, you can also do a bit of snooping and figure out who works for the company and gain a better insight into the personalities of individuals there and if you’d fit with the company culture.
  4. Share -  Share information, updates and posts that you think your network would be interested in. Spark conversations and engagement.

Here is a summary of our top tips:

  • Ensure your social media profiles highlight the type of role you are interested in, make sure you use keywords so recruiters can find you when they are searching.
  • Get involved in conversations with individuals and companies on any interesting topics related to your industry.
  • Connect with and follow relevant companies and individuals in your industry or network

Ready to make the leap? Browse handle jobs or register with handle for the latest job vacancies. – Don’t forget to give us a follow, like and connect on Twitter , Facebook and LinkedIn