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Turn that Christmas Temp job into a Permanent position

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 8 years ago

You love the flexibility and various challenges that your temp work has given you, however, you think you’ve found a role you love so much you want to stick to it!  Seasonal vacancies are popping up all over the place this time of year, especially in retail and can be a real blessing for those looking for work. However, it’s inevitable that only a small percentage of temps will be kept on after the busy season. 

Here are a few top tips that Handle have put together to ensure that you are one of the fortunate few that makes that transition from a seasonal temporary worker to a permanent employee.

Be flexible

Offer to work those extra hours, if someone has called in sick or additional cover is needed and you are able to cover, managers will appreciate and note your adaptability.

Be positive!

Power through that Christmas rush! It can get quite stressful with what seems like a never-ending queue of flustered customers.  Keep your chin up and that smile on your face.  A positive attitude and a calm nature are admirable qualities to have within a retail or customer service role.

Get the basics right

It’s surprising how many people think it’s acceptable to turn up late or call in sick because they’re on a temporary contract. Temporary jobs should be treated no differently to any other roles.

Make the effort to know your colleagues

First impressions count, and getting to know the permanent staff of an organisation where you are temping can be a big plus.  When selecting new permanent employees, management will always look to see who gels with their current staff; a successful retail operation is, after all, a team effort.

Go the extra mile

It goes without saying that it’s important in retail and customer service roles to help customers all year round, but it’s especially appreciated at Christmas when it’s so busy.

Make yourself indispensable

If you notice your colleagues looking stressed, ask if there’s anything you can do to help.  Take the initiative to get things done that you know need doing, before being asked to do them. This shows that you actually care, have a solid work ethic and puts you in a great position to be considered for a permanent job when your temporary contract comes to an end.

Don’t complain

Don’t moan about the little frustrations that will naturally occur within a retail or customer service role at Christmas, like the long hours, working Boxing Day, or that customer that said something to tip you over the edge. These things all come as part of the parcel so embrace them and think of all the lovely leftovers that are waiting for you when you get home!

Express interest

If you don’t ask, you don’t get. You may have been asked at your initial interview if you were able to stay on after the Christmas period.  It doesn’t hurt to just mention this when your contract is coming to an end to see what opportunities may be available to you.

If there are no permanent positions available or you miss out on being chosen, don’t get disheartened.  Always ask if your details can be kept on file for if and when an opportunity does arise.

Check out the temporary opportunities that Handle are working on here. – Don’t forget to give us a followlike and connect on Twitter , Facebook,  Instagram and LinkedIn