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​Are you working in an anti-social office?

  • Publish Date: Posted over 2 years ago
  • Author: Handle Recruitment
Are you working in an anti-social office?

​Are you working in an anti-social office?

Stating the obvious but one of the biggest motivations for someone working in an office support role is what it’s like to actually be in the office.

After a socially-limited two years (yikes!), it’s important that we get that facetime with our colleagues both IN the office and OUT (does anything compare with a lunchtime stroll in the London sunshine?!)

More and more of the candidates I speak to are looking for people-focused roles where they can be front-facing and directly supporting their colleagues in person.

Does this apply to you?

If you're looking for a people-focused and social role, please don't hesitate to get in touch!