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First day tips #1 - Make yourself known!

  • Publish Date: Posted about 2 years ago
  • Author: Handle Recruitment
New job? First day tips #1 - Make yourself known!

Excitement, nerves, anticipation, whatever name it goes by we all get those first day feels! Here is my top tip for anyone starting a new temp job today!

Tip #1 Make yourself known!

I always say to my candidates – treat any assignment as an extension of your interview. If you’re in a role for a matter of weeks or months, everything counts!  You want to start as you mean to go on - introduce yourself to the right people, extend yourself over email (ask if your manager needs anything else), and be sure to join in on any celebrations or shout outs!

A good first impression makes a huge difference to your manager’s perception of you – and if you want to stay there for longer, it’s best to start off strong!

If you're looking for a new temporary role, or looking for some more guidance, please don't hesitate to get in touch!