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MOBOLISE have created a partnership with London Theatre Consortium!

  • Publish Date: Posted about 1 year ago
  • Author: Handle Recruitment
Mobolise partnership with London Theatre Consortium

🎉 Celebrating London this week…

MOBOLISE have formulated a partnership with London Theatre Consortium to support & champion the next generation of diverse leaders in the theatre sector, creating a more inclusive talent pipeline into executive roles.

Congratulations to their newly appointed 4th cohort of Executive LTC MOBO Fellowships!

The recipients are:

✨ Alisha Artry, a Creative Producer and Co-Founder of Sculptress

✨ Ama Ofori-Darko, an arts fundraiser, Young Trustee at the Contemporary Arts Society, and a Trainee Trustee at Spitalfields Music

✨ Ameena Hamid, a Creative Producer, General Manager, Festival Curator and Facilitator

✨ Pooja Sitpura, Creative Careers Partner at the National Theatre and Board members of Youth Realities and Theatre Uncut

✨ Wofai Je, a Creative Producer, Casting Director and interim General Manager at Gate Theatre

You can read more here on the MOBO Website