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​Why do companies outsource freelancer payroll?

  • Publish Date: Posted over 2 years ago
  • Author: Handle Freelance Solutions

​Why do companies outsource freelancer payroll?

The creative industries rely on freelancer talent to provide the flexibility and creativity they need to be successful. But many just don’t have the internal support to manage the payroll burden.

The main reasons companies outsource their freelancer payroll include:

  • A Lack of compliance

  • Unable to provide a weekly payroll

  • Unable to support hiring peaks

  • The speed of onboarding

  • Outdated technology and manual processes

  • Accuracy of payments

  • Limited reporting

  • Concerns about the freelancer experience


Outsourcing can provide a huge relief, but we also completely understand that outsourcing your freelancer payroll can feel daunting. When you outsource your payroll, you need complete confidence in who you are handing over the responsibility to.



Here a few things to consider before you outsource your payroll.

  • Make sure you fully understand the costs involved and the level of service you can expect

  • Ask the provider to walk you through the complete freelancer journey

  • How will they treat your freelancers if they need additional support!

Outsourcing your payroll can be a great way to make efficiencies and reduce cost, just make sure you do your research first!

And if you would like to explore if Handle Freelance Solutions could support you just get in touch.